Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oh ho Zoho

The Magnificence of the Mountains

Take a stroll to the letterbox
Set the red flag upright
There's mail to collect
At Forest Park
No.1 RD

all observe
the magnificence
of the mountains and breathe
in the alpine air. Do you hear
the wind soughing
in the pines?

These few lines are dedicated to my grandparents Sally and Thomas Taylor who bought their farm, Forest Park', in the 1920's and lived there until 1988. This year, 2008, our family lost the link with the farm as my cousin Martin sold up and moved to Nelson. Papa, my Grandfather would be appalled to know his beloved mixed grain and sheep farm had been converted to a dairy farm. With a mean annual rainfall of about 25 inches I can hear Papa muttering 'fools'.
This little piece of writing using Zoho Writer, was not so oh ho easy as at first it seemed. The importation as html was a bit of a tease. However, it was realativley easy to do things differently. I would love to become better at using the Zho software as it was great fun.

1 comment:

NSL Training Support Team said...

Your Zoho creation is great!Really like the way you managed to format the shape too.